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Industrial water testing

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Water source of life, for social and economic development also plays a decisive role, water quality testing is an important means to ensure water quality and safety.
Inspection categories: boiler water, cooling water, chilled water, water, sewage and so on.
       Brief introduction of water quality testing of industrial
Boiler is the heart of the industry, boiler water treatment is to provide qualified blood for the heart to ensure safe and economical operation of the boiler is an indispensable means. The consequences of improper water treatment to the boiler can be summarized as scaling, corrosion and steaming a total of Teng, so the boiler water treatment work has a very important practical significance.
       Corrosion will affect the strength of the material, ranging from shortening the life of the boiler, while causing cracks, leakage or even explosion.
A total of direct effects on the quality of steam, may lead to superheater and other steam equipment structure and even cause safety accidents. So the boiler water treatment work. Has a very important practical significance.
Test items: pH, suspended solids, dissolved oxygen, total hardness dissolved, solid, total alkalinity, oil content and so on.
Reference standard: GB-T 1576-2008 industrial boiler water quality standards